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NLP Practitioner Certification Course in Lebanon

NLP Practitioner

Why an NLP Practitioner Certification Course?


NLP is an ever-growing collection of information, insights and mental techniques that can enable you to improve how you think, behave and feel - and assist others to do the same. In coaching, management, and team leadership NLP is a valuable skills plug-in with which to extend and fine-tune your influence and your ability to communicate, coach, motivate and manage. Incorporating NLP into your repertoire will enable you to develop the skills, the attitudinal outlook, and the behavioral flexibility with which to improve your own and your team performance.

What will be covered?

An Introduction to NLP - Why the buzz?


    •    Defining Neuro-Linguistic Programming

    •    Prime directives / Unconscious Mind

    •    Principles for Success

    •    Setting Well-Formed Outcomes


Improving Sensory Acuity - Your inner Radar


    •    Sensory Awareness

    •    Sensory-Based Language

    •    Increase your sensory acuity 


Representational Systems - Speak my Language

    •    Preferred Representational Systems

    •    Predicates in Rep Systems

    •    Increasing your awareness

Sub-modalities for Change - Recoding your brain

    •    Eliciting Sub-modalities

    •    Utilizing Drivers

    •    Contrastive Analysis

    •    Changing Beliefs

    •    Swish Pattern

    •    Fast Phobia Cure

Rapport - The magical connection


    •    Matching and Mirroring

    •    Pacing and Leading

    •    Indicators of Rapport

    •    Instant Rapport

    •    Group Rapport



Anchoring - Creating states at will


    •    Keys to Anchoring

    •    Stacking - Building Resource Anchors

    •    Collapsing Anchors

    •    Chaining Anchors

    •    Moving from Procrastination to Motivation

    •    Changing Personal History

Language Patterns - Persuasion made easy

    •    Linguistic Presuppositions

    •    Language Patterns - Chunking

    •    The Milton Model

    •    The Meta Model

    •    NLP Negotiating Model

    •    Transformational Metaphors

    •    Intonation Patterns

Strategies - The Blueprints of Behavior

    •    Definition and Components

    •    T.O.T.E. Model

    •    Strategy Elicitation / Notation

    •    Buying Strategies

    •    Motivation Strategies

    •    Love Strategies

    •    Learning Strategies

    •    Utilizing Strategies

Reframing - The ultimate tool

    •    Context Reframing

    •    Content Reframing

    •    Six-step Reframe

    •    Parts and Positive Intentions

    •    Parts Integration

    •    Negotiating conflict - Perceptual Positions

NLP as a Model of Coaching / Therapy

    •    Putting it all Together

    •    Scope of Practice

    •    Your future as a Practitioner of NLP


How will the NLP Practitioner Certification be delivered?

This NLP Practitioner Certification Course & Exam are delivered at Crossroad Coaches Offices in Lebanon or online, over a period of 5 days

Crossroad Coaches delivery methodology for the NLP Practitioner Training relies on the following:

  • High level of interaction and participation within the learning process

  • Classroom demonstrations, practice individual and group exercises

  • Games, group discussions, & Q& A sessions

This creates a rich and stimulating learning environment that allows participants to confidently experience the direct benefits of what they have learned.


Self-analysis questionnaires & feedback tools, as well as personal attention and direction between the trainer and participants, will further assure that the learning will be internalized, utilized rapidly, effectively and immediately integrated into the work environment.



What's in it for you?

Become a Licenced NLP Practitioner, start coaching and earning immediately. Imagine how you would feel when you control your thinking and feeling process. Imagine the impact that would have on your everyday life. What about applying it in a coaching context?  

Wouldn’t it be helpful to understand what motivates a person and how they prefer to work, what sparks their interests and drive, how they communicate, make decisions and connect with others? Imagine that you can read more into people and that you can change any unwanted behavior as well as to create and maintain powerful states. 

This interactive training will teach you the fundamentals of the new science of personal achievement, which is an effective methodology based on the belief that all behavior has a structure and that this structure can be modeled, learned and changed. You will learn about your patterns and programs as well as in others, how you can change them and run the software in your mind to get the desired results and make the changes that matter most.

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