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 Training & Coaching Clients in Lebanon and the Middle-East

"To keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him"  - Derek Bruce

Al Majmouaa
Al wadi el akhdar
AWI Group
Allianz SNA
American University of Berut
Association de banque du liban
Audi Bank
Bankers Assurance
Bemo Bank
Beirut in
British Council
Computer Echo
Credit Bank
Cuisine d'art
Damac Properties
Diet Delights
Ecole Nationale d'Education
Emkan Finance
Ernst & Young –KSA
Khalil Fattal & Fils
Federal Bank of Lebanon
First National Bank
Ghia Holding
Global Pharma
Hamid Group
IBL Bank
Indevco Group
International Timber Company
jci logo color
Jubaili Bros
Le Rouge
Leading Minds
Lebanese American University
Lebanese Red Cross
Lebanon & Gulf Bank
Leo Burnett
M&C Saatchi
MCA people Solutions
MJ Architects
Maisons & Parquets
Majid Al Futtaim Services
Mike Sport
Near East Commercial Bank
Nehme Group
Obegi Consumer Products Holding
Octagon Invest
Path Solutions
Pesco Telecom
Rotaract Club
Standard Chartered Bank
Tadmur Holding, Qatar
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Taqeef logo
beytek logo
mirage logo
nationwide logo
makassed logo
RPM logo
Newgen logo
WWA Logo

What our partners think about our Training Solutions & Coaching Solutions in Lebanon and the Middle-East

“4 months ago I have attended with my colleagues your "Achieving Sales Mastery" training workshop. I was surprised by the increase in sales by the end of the 4th quarter of 2010. After this session and through my visits to the branches in order to push sales up, I found a lot of difference in the Team’s behavior and skills; They seemed more powerful and showed more self-confidence as if they were armed with more powerful tools and became more skilled in selling our products. You have taught us how to use the skills we already have in order to close more sales. Maybe we had a lot of talented people in the branches but after the workshops they have learned how to use all the talent they have and that was translated in the increase in numbers by the end of year. I thank you very much for the added value you gave to our knowledge, talent and education which helped us a lot in our career and led to this Success and Achievement.”

Samer Issa, Product Manager, Audi Saradar Group SAL

"I would like to thank you for your weekly fix which I wait for impatiently, hoping that you are always at your best and inspirational at large. Your so chosen topics help me (personally) find my true North even though is it very hard sometimes to apply in the real daily life but it surely lower the negative vibes and emotional downfalls. I can't find enough expressions to describe how helpful are your tools and the way you deliver them."

H. Najjar - Business Owner

"Thank you Johnny! With your coaching, there is no way other than success."

Maroun Saliba - Managing Partner, Propertize

"Thank you, Johnny for the skills and lessons you teach us. You really help us clarify our values and goals and the way to honor them. The seminar (Take The Wheel) was Outstanding!"

Carmen Samaha Spagnolo

"Johnny inspires hope, promotes a healthy lifestyle and helps people to achieve life changes and makes them feel as a gifted soul to grow in society"

Sarah Khafajah, Touch

"Achieving Sales Mastery was the most interesting Course I have ever had. This is the only time I can truly say that I have learned something very valuable for my career and life"

Marie, Audi Bank

“Coaching & Counseling” was not just a good seminar, it was brilliant, genius and "enlightening"! I really enjoyed it and didn't feel the time "sliding"! I took it with another trainer, but it was a "pure lecture". With you, Johnny, it was an explosion that destroyed all the barriers around my brain. Two things changed my life: 1- My coma after a car accident. 2- Your “Coaching & Counseling” seminar Thank you!

Khaled Haouchar

"Johnny is one of the very few people who made a real difference & literally added value in my life. He was & still is my mentor, coach & a true friend. After my experience & intervention with Johnny, I realized that he's a man of his word, honest, ethical & especially masters what he does. I strongly recommend him to my dearest & closest people."

Richard J. Sfeir, Senior Unit Manager - Metlife

"Johnny is the Anthony Robbins of the Middle East"

Nada Kodeih, Senior Consultant - Metlife

“Johnny is a very dynamic speaker and had everyone laughing throughout the presentation. I was listening in Arabic and even I thought it was good! He was the highest rated speaker that we had.”

Chris Kelly - UCSD Business School

"I want to thank you for the great seminar, it's a plus to my career and I hope I will get the best out of it... You are a great person! Many people think that my way of living is crazy but you made me more sure that nothing is wrong unless we do something wrong!!! I hope I get the chance to attend more seminars with You"

Rahif El-Osta, Touch.

"You really changed my life. I am stronger now, thank you!"

Sarah-Filip Ishak, BLOM Bank

“We would like to thank you for your cooperation with the “Ecole Nationale D’administration”. Your high expertise and professionalism were evident in the satisfaction and evaluations of all the attendees and staff. We hope we can always work with you in the future"

Jamal Al Zaiim Al Mounajed- General Director, ENA

"It has been almost a year I am receiving the weekly fix, I want to thank you again because every Thursday morning I become more happy and more inspired just by reading them."

Raymond Zaarour Operations Manager, Azadea Group Holding

"I was and will remain grateful to have you in my life, my career, to read you , listen to you and watch you..."

Hady Dagher, Metlife

"Thank you for reshuffling the cards in my brains! I have been doing wonders ever since."

Saiid Saber, Saber Middle East

Thumbs up! A true inspiration and a true catalyst for brighter sales performance, thank you so much,  Johnny!"

Nader Bittar, NASCO

"I want to express to you how much I appreciate your coaching me through the time you have spent with MetLife Alico, I have learned a lot from you and I believe that you know best how to deal with prospects in our economy. You are one of the best Coaches I've ever met and I wish to have more encounters and seminars with your presence. Add to that the interaction with the trainees was unbelievably excellent on all levels.".

Randa Bibar

"Thank you for sharing your learnings and thoughts with us. They are very helpful wake up calls and reminders. I thank you for all the coaching you have done for (me and my daughter). I feel I am in a new chapter in my life with all my new learnings... So excited about it. I am ready to learn more and more and never stop learning. Life is sooo interesting when u know how to connect the dots and when u know where each dot comes from and what it means. You are one wise and intelligent man."

Karol S.

"You are a real master Coach!"

Salim Touma

"You are the best coach Johnny!" 

M. Abisamra - PA to Chairman

"Going through the training with you highly impacted my techniques and personality as a whole."

Khaled Hamade

Amazinggggggggggg..... so beautiful... :) !!!! (Weekly Fix)

Mireille Hammal

"People always ask me for the change in me, and when I relay my experiences and tell them what and who helped me, I always mention you as one of the persons who helped me and inspired me."

Denise E.

I always look forward to “Mind Enriching Thursdays” (Weekly Fix).

I. Nahas - Vice Managing Director

You are amazing Johnny!

M. Radi, IBL Bank

"I love your blogs, you are truly an inspiration."  

Janet Deeb, Life Coach

"52 thank you for this year...sometimes the lifters...need a lift. iI want to tell u angels unit is a senior unit now :)) and its is ranked one of the top 5 units in MEASA. Thanks, since I met you many years ago....for all the training and support, coaching and caring."

ting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Ziad Jabbour, Senior Unit Manager - Metlife Alico

"Thank you....Johny, really ana ktir b7ajee la your e-mails" (Weekly Fix)

A. Saad

I took the liberty to send you an e-mail not only to confess that you always impress me with your weekly fix but also I get inspired & sometimes afraid (in a positive way) about your deep subjects which we restrain from thinking about.  Not to mention that you give me a lot of ideas for my speeches (as I'm a member at large & secretary, & a VPM In the previous semester)  in Toastmasters Int. but then again & honestly, I have a fear not delivering the message to the audience at least 5% the way you do. I can't compare myself of course to you i even don't dare to. But I try to get at least the idea of the subject involved.  I'm not just a fan! an addict&a student of a genuine coach. Thank you for being a Leader to a humungous number of people.nce's attention...

Hana Najjar

Thank You for the continuous inspiration, The Weekly Fix just gives me a boost when its running low by the end end of the week.

Robert Abou Mrad

Having attended many workshops and training sessions during my career, Johnny El Ghoul put a very solid yet smooth print in my conscious mind. Solid with determination, eagerness for reliable knowledge, curious open mind, and ready to share, inspire and dissipate change into other’s lives. Smooth with his delicate approach, individual attention and engagement in every interaction with others from beginning to end. This is Johnny El Ghoul, a consistent and flexible combination that attracts you, either on purpose or by pure coincidence, I assure you, though, you will never be the same you again…

Jeanine Akl, Human Resources, Allianz SNA s.a.l.

I would like to thank you for the weekly fix emails that you are sending to me. Those weekly words are contributing a lot to my development & sure day after another are making me a better person... Thank you for this!!  

Fadi Hammoud

Thank you, Johnny, for the Life change course we took yesterday. Emotional intelligence is an intriguing and interesting topic that enhances your communication skills and improves your interaction with others. The training was interactive and the trainer was excellent in delivering the message and the material. It can change your life; you just have to take the decision to implement your learning. I encourage everyone on the page to attend this seminar. 

Carla Chamoun Azar, IESC-Lebanon

Today's training on emotional intelligence was one of the most, if not Z most important training I've ever attended! Thank you, Johnny, much much appreciated

Ziad Y. Antonios, Al Majmoua

"He will be all over the place, he will shake your model of the world, and he will help you get the results you want. Johnny El Ghoul personifies excellence and creativity, & with his long years of experience in sales and dealing with people on a consistent basis, Johnny backs his vast knowledge with true on the turf experience and results. I am lucky enough to call him my friend and because of his coaching and guidance, I made leaps in both my career and personal goals. Do you need to pump up the motivation and inspiration in your team? Do you need someone to work with one on one to help you find your own answers? Johnny El Ghoul is your guy."

Roni Matar, NLP Trainer

Thank you so much for your weekly letters ... Indeed they help me to widen my perspective... Your last (Weekly Fix)l, we are a human being not human doing !!!! I couldn't hold myself but to replying back and just thanking you !! U have just turned on a whole zone in my brain :-) Ya3tik l3afieh and looking forward to recieve all ur shiny and motivational thoughts ...

Rana Farhat

Johnny El-ghoul is an amazing person and coach and his services significantly contribute to the growth and success of any company or business. You wouldn't know what I'm talking about unless you have attended one of his workshops ...highly recommended

Maher Sarieddine, NASCO Life

Thank you again and again for a most pleasurable and informative lecture. We all enjoyed every second of it. Rare were the lectures we organized where no one walked out before the end no matter how interesting they were. Last Friday you could have gone on and on and we would have all stayed mesmerized.

Abdallah R. Al Khal, Executive Director of Alumni Relations, LAU

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